Our classes and lectures are organized in study blocks.
Whether you follow the suggested syllabi or build your own course of study, we encourage you to include content that covers all study block areas :
This study block deals with the way that people think, understand, and analyze the world. Topics will include Marxist philosophy, revolutionary theory, and concrete analysis.
This study block deals with the laws of motion and mechanics of capitalism. Topics will include global finances and trade, labor, resource exploitation, and the production and distribution of wealth.
This study block deals with the history of class struggle. Through investigating the material conditions of struggle and development of people’s movements we aim to gain a better understanding of our revolutionary legacies, lessons, and potential for the continued development of a unified working class movement . Topics include a wide range of experiences and lessons of class struggle and revolutionary movements both in the US and internationally.
This study block deals with the way that movements are formed and organized. Topics are best posed as questions: How does the working-class build power? How did revolutionary organizations analyze and make decisions to further their struggle? How do, and how did revolutionary organizations build unity and internationalism?
We consider GENDER, RACE, CULTURE, and INTERNATIONALISM as themes that are transversal - in other words, these themes intersect with all topics of study. You will find readings and supplementary materials that consider these themes in form and in content as much as possible in all classes and lectures. We encourage you to consider these themes in your study and discussions.