Module 2 - ‘The Living Soul of Marxism: A Concrete Analysis of the Concrete Conditions’

In order to undertake a study of revolutions worldwide we have to understand the specific context from which these struggles emerge— this gives us a clear understanding of how these struggles were born and why they responded as they did. Vladimir Lenin understood that preparing for revolution meant fully grasping the nature of class struggle within the rich history of his country and people, and Amílcar Cabral built upon that offering, adapting the movement he led by studying the land and the unique characteristics of colonial liberation in Africa. The result was an approach centered around developing a concrete analysis of concrete conditions, or what Lenin called ‘the very gist, the living soul, of Marxism.’

Module 2 Reading Packet

Understanding the Source: How Lenin Altered Marxism’s Approach to Self-Determination for Nations

Tues. March 19 at 6:30 PM ET

Instructor: Brian Becker

In 1917, the workers and peasants of Russia did the unthinkable - they overthrew the backwards Tsarist government and aimed to establish a government in their own image. Lenin and the Bolsheviks understood that in order to launch a successful transformation of Russian society, they needed to develop their approach based on a concrete analysis of the current conditions - in other words, that tactics must be based on an objective examination and creative interpretative of Marxism  based on the current context. The success of this revolution developed a strategy that reverberated across the world, particularly multiplying in the parts of the world that suffered under the chokehold of colonialism and imperialism.

Return to the Source: What Problems Did Cabral Confront on the Path to National Liberation, and How?

Thurs. March 21 at 6:30 PM ET

Instructor: Desmond Fonseca

Faced with the ravages of Portuguese colonialism, a society that produced dire economic, social and political conditions, Amilcar Cabral spearheaded the Guinean and Cape Verdean Revolution, advancing the anti-imperialist struggle on African soil. Due to his analysis that was based on the unique material, historical and current conditions in both Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde, two countries with different histories and trajectories,  Cabral and the PAIGC achieved  what was thought impossible in their fight against capitalism and colonialism. Different strategies for achieving liberation have emerged from these struggles, but Amilcar Cabral’s contributions are foundational to understanding Marxism and national liberation.

Module 2 Recap