Revolutionary Summer School
“Nobody has yet made a successful revolution without a revolutionary theory.” -Amilcar Cabral
“Without revolutionary theory, there is no revolutionary movement.” – VI Lenin
In the world we live in today, the majority of education we receive is created by the oppressors. The ideology we are fed in most schools and institutions is ruling class ideology, and this does not further our struggle or serve the needs of the working class. We know that we need political education for the survival of our people. We need political education to arm our people for class struggle, clearer and more urgent in the realities made clear by the global pandemic.
We need political education for liberation!
Revolutionary Summer School is a virtual summer program coordinated by The People’s Forum for organizers, visionaries, and people in resistance to oppression.
We intend for this program to provide a structured path of study to build the capacity to engage with revolutionary theory and to organize working-class movements. This is an introductory course that we hope will inspire people to continue their studies as lifelong students of revolution, and we hope that those who participate in this program will share the resources and replicate their knowledge as widely as possible with their communities.
Revolutionary Summer School 2023
Revolutionary Summer School 2022
Revolutionary Summer School 2021
Revolutionary Summer School 2020