SPARK! Organizing for Revolution

Module 4

Agents of Revolution

Now that we’ve begun our study of revolutions across different historical conjunctures and contexts, and learned about the conditions that set the stage for revolutions to be possible, we will focus on understanding the concept of organization and the essential role it has played in winning a revolutionary struggle. In this module, we will examine the “agents of revolution.” Who makes revolutions and how? How can we use this knowledge to build revolutionary possibilities in the current moment? 

  • Instruments of Social and Political Struggle

    Throughout history, the oppressed have organized themselves in countless diverse ways in order to fight their oppressors. As we prepare for heightened struggle, we have to examine the tools and formations that the masses have used to become efficient and effective agents of change. How can the working class organize itself and through what means? What are the instruments and organizations that we can build to mobilize the masses to prepare for transformative struggle?

  • Political Formation and Organization

    We know that when we are organized we can win. But what does it mean to be organized, and what does it mean to be an individual in an organization? What does it mean to be a revolutionary? This session will explore the individual and collective transformation of a united and organized people who are committed to bringing about material change for the people, exploring the crucial relationship between leaders and the masses, reimagining what leadership means when it is rooted in the people.

  • Saturday Dialogues: Political Education

    “Today, education aims at the full realisation of man, without distinguishing race or origin, as a conscious and intelligent, useful, and progressive being, integrated into the world and his (geographic, economic, and social) environment, without any sort of submission.” - Amilcar Cabral, 1951

    In this conversation, we will explore political education as Amílcar Cabral describes it: a tool that assists in the full realization of people as conscious, intelligent and capable beings and to reclaim ourselves as clear and politically active members of society and fortifying our minds. We will be joined by popular educators from the Palestinian Youth Movement and the Union of Southern Service Workers (USSW) for a discussion on how political education, through the vehicle and force of organization, serves as a tool for mass political transformation, strengthening and preparing us for struggle.

Module Reflection Questions